Madeshowse yon mak ki soti nan Lachin, sitou pwodwi koupe cheve ak taye cheve.Jodi a pral prezante kèk nan pi bon clippers pou madeshow.
Koupe cheve
M5 taye cheve ak M10 + taye cheve yo se prensipal koupe cheve pwofesyonèl elektrik, ki pi apwopriye pou koupe yon gwo kantite cheve.Avèk yon varyete peny limit gwosè, yo ka koupe longè cheve diferan.
Sou entènèt jwèt Trimmer cheve
M11 taye cheve ak M6 taye cheve yo koupe koupe, apwopriye pou divès kalite fòm koupe, ak liy yo pwòp ak pwòp.
Tout modèl pwodwi yo fèt ak tèt kouto seramik, tèt kouto a toujou byen file apre itilizasyon alontèm, ak lavi batri super long ak motè pwisan pote ou yon mak nouvo eksperyans koupe cheve.
*Hjbarbers provides professional hairdressing products (professional hair clippers, razors, scissors, hair dryer, hair straightener). If you are interested in our products, you can directly contact us at, WhatsApp:+84 0328241471, Ins:hjbarbers Twitter:@hjbarbers2022 Line:hjbarbers, we will provide you with professional service and after-sales service.
Tan poste: Jun-21-2023